Free To Be Me - Career

Scripture Reading - Mark 1:16-18 ERV (Easy-to-Read Version)

16 Jesus was walking by Lake Galilee. He saw Simon and his brother Andrew. These two men were fishermen, and they were throwing a net into the lake to catch fish.
17 Jesus said to them, "Come, follow me, and I will make you a different kind of fishermen. You will bring in people, not fish."
18 So they immediately left their nets and followed Jesus.

In the world there is always a geological comparison made between people. In other words people of the same community will compare every person of that community with the “so-called” norm. Thus, the norm is acceptable while the abnormal is not. The problem is who defines what the norm is and does such a defined norm exist for all the people of that community? This comparison usually involves at least seven different issues (characteristics and/or topics), age, career, gender, morality, religion, ethnicity and income. So the people with similar characteristics will always be drawn to a closer relationship then those who think, act and sometimes look differently than them. This week we will briefly discuss how the characteristic of “career” relates to our freedom in Christ Jesus. In the scriptures above we see that Simon (Peter) and Andrew were both fisherman so they were drawn together by two things in this example. One being family because they were brothers but they were also drawn together by their “career”. It is very typical in a traditional setting where the family owns a business that they pass on the knowledge and understanding of that business to their children. Often this is done in hopes of the children inheriting the business as heirs but also choosing this business as a “career”. Naturally, people who function in a specific task or duty (career) for a dominate time frame of each day will have a lot in common with those who share this same “occupation” (career) . Those who know medicine will find it more interesting (stimulating) being around those who can help them with medicine and medical procedures. Just like those people who are professional athletes seem to find pleasure in hanging around other team mates and other athletes as well. This fact is true from the pastor to the politician and from the junkman to the judge. The key to remember with freedom in Christ Jesus concerning your “career” is that you have been ordained by God to do the work set before you. Some people ask us (ihlcc), “How will I know what the Lord is calling me to do?” The answer is very simple when you study God’s ways and His Word (His principles). God is not going to treat you any differently than He does His other children. We notice in the verses above that the Holy Spirit and other men called these two men fishermen because that is what they did and that is exactly who they are. However, when the time came for God to change their “career” He clearly communicated His (God’s) Will to each person individually and specifically. Notice the Lord did not call them into something mysterious or distance but rather something current and comprehendible. Thus, you too will know when and/or if God has something specific for you to do because it will be clearly communicated to you from God. The thought that God will call you into something so deep that no one will be able to relate to it, is simply false. Now some things the Lord has specifically for you, you are already doing and those works are already being blessed by God. However, in the event that God calls you to do something else wait until you know exactly what your next assignment is before you jump ship into another boat (symbolically – another occupation). We did see in verse 17 that God said three separate things, “Come, follow me, and I will make you….”. This basically means if you come closer to Jesus first He will help you to learn, understand and do His Will (which will be your specific “career”), and secondarily you must be willing to follow Jesus continuously to always know what you should do next and thirdly you must be meek (teachable) because how can Jesus make you something wonderful if you are unwilling to be molded into His perfect creation in Christ. Dear child of God you have complete freedom in Christ to flourish in the “career” you are currently in, even if presently that “career” is a fulltime student learning what you ought to do next. Will your current “career” be your final “career”? I doubt it because in eternity you will still be following Jesus and doing His Works. Thus, be good at what you do today and God will show what you need to do tomorrow. Even in your present “career” never yield to the pressure to be just like everyone else because you are a Christian and your light will always shine differently (brighter) than those of darkness in the world around you. You have a certain amount of restriction before men to perform your job within their guidelines but you also have absolute freedom in Christ to do your job joyfully and wisely unto the Glory of God alone. Just remember not to let your liberty in Christ to be you, be a stumbling block of bad (unwelcomed) behavior before others. Smarting off to the boss or showing up late for work should never be heard among the saints but it is very common in our society. Will these types of behaviors send you to hell, no because God’s Grace abounds, but as we (ihlcc) stated earlier don’t let your freedoms in Christ Jesus promote bad behavior before men. Remember, Daniel, as a governing politician in an ungodly kingdom still maintained an excellent spirit before God and man so no fault could be found in Him, except for praying to his God. If this is the only negative thing people can say about you, you are heading in the positive (right) direction toward God by your freedom in Christ Jesus in your ‘career”. Amen.